Sunday, October 03, 2010

...and China makes $4.00 US on a retail price of $299.00? Really?

Well, that was more than an interesting statement by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.  It implies many things, but, the primary issue is the exploitation of a global economy.

With the cost of an iPOD being $4.00 US the populous of China should be able to afford them and the Chinese government should consider wholesale of these items to their people.

Secondly, that statement only goes to prove how much Capitalists 'scaple' the American people of their income.  And that is CLASSIC Wall Street.  It is even considered 'good practice' in most Board Rooms.

Reality check !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I refuse to spend that kind of money on electronic technology.  I was never traumatized by the iPhone and its need for bumpers either. 

Don't need it, don't want it.

I have far better use of my money than that.

This is an excellant example of why LOCAL ECONOMIES must replace 'The Big Box Stores,' and China won't like that at all.  But, look.  If China develops its domestic market, it would not be so hypervigilant of the USA and its currency rate.  I mean that.  China's people, over one billion strong could increase the treasury of the Chinese government with taxes paid no different than most other First World economies.  Isn't that what China really wants?  I know it is.  The Chinese government is not simply looking for domination of the global economy to prevent nuclear confrontation, it wants to 'be among' the major nations that have high quality of life standards for their citizens.

I think it is time, China and India begin to build their domestic markets to provide their own economic stability.  Practicing 'cheap labor' and 'robbing jobs' from the USA has destroyed the market place in the USA.  It wasn't good thinking.  It was pure greed and nothing more by Wall Street CEOs.

I heard today that JP Morgan is working with homeowners to prevent foreclosure.  That is a good thing.  Admirable and makes consumers want to value them.  But, what Morgan still may not understand is that "keeping jobs in the USA economy" rather than outsourcing will increase the likelihood foreclosures aren't necesssary.