Monday, October 11, 2010

It is my opinion, the USA has been conned by its Former Secretary of the Treasury.


Because he was 'on the inside' and planning 'the escape' of Goldman Sachs from the grip of fiscal obligation to the USA government.

I don't care if any authority cannot touch Paulson.  What is important is that American citizens begin to understand how they are 'assessed' by Wall Street and plotted against, quite literally.

AIG was never a workable strategy.  It gave too much permission for high risk as opposed to actual asset value.  It was a silly idea.  To think investment banks could embark, with abandon, risk and there was an insurance, BANKRUPTCY insurance, waiting at its beckon call.

That is outrageous.

And to KNOW there were CEOs of major investment firms that actually took that capacity seriously from AIG is hideous.

Completely hideous. 

The DOW hit 14,000 alright, but, with no real assets to back it up. 

Speculation has its 'value.'  It is why Wall Street exists.  But, this?  It is completely unconscionable to realize what occurred here and to TRUST all over again.