Sunday, October 24, 2010

"The Can Do Kids"

After attending graduated from college with a BA in Economics, worked as a stockbroker for three years after her marriage in 1962 while her husband attended law school.

She worked as a journalist.  Palin was educated as a journalist, but, never read newspapers.  Her first successful run for office was at a member of the Marin Board of Supervisors and was the first woman president in her six year term.  While she served in government her spouse was a Worker Compensation Lawyer accepting many cases referred to him by unions.  His practice surrounded the working person.  It was in 1982 she was elected to the US House of Representatives where she served for five terms.  She must be doing something right.  in 1992, Senator Alan Cranston retired and she ran for his seat and won.  She was the first woman to serve as the Chair for the Envronment and Public Works Committee.  But that was enough for Boxer.  She was also selected as the Chair for the Select Committee on Ethics.  She was the ONLY Chair to precide over two committees at the same time.

Barbara Boxer has a very long HISTORY, both on a professional level and personal level of serving people.  It is in her DNA so to speak.  There is a wrong way and a right way to vote.  Please think before you cast your ballot in November.