Sunday, October 24, 2010

Anti-Establsihment. I heard that description of Republcans today. Huh?

 Anti-Establishment candidate is a matter of pursuing an opposite policy. 

Okay.  But, opposite to what?  Because if it is opposite to Barak Obama that might be true, but, if it is in opposition to Wall Street to benefit Main Street that is absolutely not true.  
In the sincerest sense of the word, the Republicans are NOT Anti-Establishment, they are Pro-Establishment.

So, when any Republican states he is anti-establishment that isn't true.  They are anti-Democrat, but, not anti-establishment.  Not even close. 

Their platform is based in promoting plutocratic ideals.  That is not anti-establishment, that is about as establishment to the highest degree it gets.

Their social platform excludes civil rights for all Americans.  It impinges on liberty and limits 'the individual' to submit to establishment principles of Christian Fundamentalists.