Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To some extent I have to feel bad for the GOP. They have extremist candidates due to angry Republicans. This is a protest vote.

I love the title of the article.  I feel even worse for the country.  The salary of a Senator is being squandered on a faux agenda for office.  This is terrible.  Shameful even that people are this irrationally angry.  This woman is not prepared for any leadership.  Has anyone noticed that most of the candidates backed by Palin exhibit the same characteristic she exuded as a VP candidate?  Ever notice that?  It is pretty sad stuff ;what a 'jilted' female candidate for VP can do out of revenge and anger.  Seriously.  It is all about money.  There is no legitimate choice for these candidates.  They have no experience and one has to wonder if Christine here knows she can see Russia from Sarah's house.

Sarah's 'money grab' after not being elected and having presented herself as an extremist religious freak and a completely naive woman in attempting a run for VP has turned against her country for personal satisfaction of populism and wealth.  Amazing.  I don't believe Sarah gives a damn about the USA.  She does care a great deal about her own bank accounts though.  I never thought I'd see the day when running for office was a 'toy' to populism.  I always thought the people of the USA would take their government seriously. 

Sad.  Christine what's her name here, O'Donnell is not qualified as a candidate for USA Senate in the year 2010.  She just isn't.  She should have more respect for the office than this.

Insurgent Republican Wins in Delaware  (click here)

...Mr. Castle, a moderate Republican who served two terms as governor and has been reliably winning elections for the last four decades, became the latest establishment Republican casualty of the primary election season. Republican leaders said the victory by Ms. O’Donnell complicated the party’s chances of winning control of the Senate....

Not that she isn't going to seriously by the opposition, try to compete and have plenty money thrown behind her candidacy adding polish to a bizarre choice for a USA Senator.

The claim to fame by Ms. O'Donnell is the movement to "Stop Touching Yourself !" while professing poverty as if a vow.

She is a Right Wing Christian Wing Nut and the GOP is sincerely going to pander to her candidacy no different than they did Palin.

This is so sad.  The country really isn't even interested in good government.  A prospective Senator has absolutely no experience in government.  There is every indication she cannot balance a check book.  Does anyone know if she is married?  She's really afraid of touching herself?  Seriously.  This is actually this kind of wacko?  This is not 1776 when people were electing their first government, it is 2010 with a very complicated and compromised global environment.  Wow.  Okay then. 

It is going to be interesting to see if other countries actually seek qualifications other than elected office to allow any of these hostile candidates entry and influence to their country.  I just don't see these extremists being accepted in an international community.  It is no different than having an Anti-Semite elected to office.  A homophobic, xenophobic as a USA Senator?  What happens to the Middle East peace process when these idiots actually make it into federal office?  I am worried for the USA.  Sincerely worried.

...Christine O'Donnell, a former marketing consultant who has never held elected office, (click title to entry - thank you) sprinted to prominence in the Delaware race after receiving support from the Tea Party Express and an endorsement from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

But there's been increased scrutiny of O'Donnell's personal financial history, which her opponents say precludes her from effectively overseeing public finances, and complaints about alleged illegal campaign fundraising.
O'Donnell has returned fire, saying on CBS' The Early Show" that her opponent, nine-term Congressman Mike Castle, has received the majority of his campaign funds from an "out-of-state corporate special-interest tax."

Attack ads claim O'Donnell didn't receive her college degree for 12 years because of what she owed in outstanding bills to the school, and question unpaid campaign debts from her previous runs for office.
A complaint was also lodged with the Federal Election Commission against O'Donnell, her campaign organization and the Tea Party Express over alleged illegal fundraising activities.