Sunday, August 22, 2010

...“against unreasonable risks of injuries associated with consumer products.”...

1972 was an interesting year and an interesting and turbulent time in the USA.  Having survived the 1960s, the change instilled in the social fabric was still churning, but, taking root.

Escambia High School proved to be one of the more turbulent arenas when its 'sports symbols' remained racially charged.  They openly displayed the Confederate Flag, their mascot was the "Colonel Rebel" of Ole Miss. and their official school song was "Dixie." 

The school saw both violent and nonviolent demonstrations with lawsuits besides.

The students of the sixties were now entering their professional lives taking their values with them.

Consumer Protection was part of it as well and the Consumer Products Safety Act and Commission were born.  (click title to entry - thank you).

For the first time in American history, the consumer was important to the government and it would oversee the safety of their hard earned purchases.