Thursday, May 27, 2010

Arttificial barrier islands can also be removed.

Prudent decision making has to give way to 'emergency' decisions making.  When one sees a train coming, one does not debate the arrival of the train and whether to get out of the way.

In reacting to the emergency all measures should be deployed and not just THE BEST.

There is plenty of the 'emergency' to go around and whether or not there are good ideas that are better than other ideas is IRRELEVANT.

The problem is not the President's problem, the problem belongs to any advisers that are dividing the emergency into 'priorities.'  Every aspect of concern is a priority.  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS REDUNDANCY.

Minimizing the emergency only LENDS TO ITS INCREASING DANGER.

The wave dynamics and fluid mechanics are beyond the expertise of most all that are being consulted.  How do I know that?  No one predicted the vortexes in the troposphere in October 2002 as the one dynamic that would wildly escalate the warming of Earth.

So everyone needs to GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY,   NOW !

There is also no 'funding requirements' that are considered to be minor.  There is no way the USA is going to reep the costs of this emergency and there is no way BP is going to fiscally survive it, so let's get that out of the way.  THERE  is NO BUDGET here.  Emergencies don't have budgets.

Barrier Islands will attract wildlife.  They may even find ways of surviving on artificial barrier islands that can only be imagined.  So they need to be built and everyone needs to stop belly aching about it.

Barrier Islands will also effect tidal surges if there are hurricanes that want to deliver large amounts of oil to the coast.

BUILD THEM.  NOW !!!!!!!!!!!

Barrier Islands also have dynamics.  They 'roll over' and there is no reason to believe that any barrier island that is artificial is any different than any natural barrier island.  IN THAT, is also a precaution.  As the barrier island traps the sludge it will eventually come out the back side of the island.  That has to be monitored over time to remove those contaminated soils as they are exposed.  That is not going to happen this year.  But, it is an aspect that can be realized to make plans for the future.

The coastal lands that should receive some protection from the artificial barrier islands can be monitored for negative impact and adjustments to those islands can be made.  I do believe the Army Corp is sensitive to most civilian observations, concerns and actual experiences.  I don't really see it as an issue.

Drilling relief wells will not resolve this problem.  It will only make it worse, there are very high methane contents in that vat..  There should be no drilling conducted into that vat again, unless there are explosives being set to displace the well head.  Relief wells are for profit, it has nothing to do with stopping the rupture.