Friday, April 16, 2010

Expert: Iceland's Ash Cloud Only Going to Get Worse

All those high tropospheric vortexes that are running out of control because of the Climate Crisis resulting from Human Induced Global Warming are spreading the ash of a 'chronically' spewing volcano all over the northern hemisphere.  Congratulations, the wizards of Conservative Party have AGAIN caused impacts to the USA economy due to corruption and denial of 'the truth.' 

Ash Plume across the North Atlantic
...Eyjafjallajökull (or Eyjafjöll) is a stratovolcano composed of alternating layers of ash, lava, and rocks ejected by earlier eruptions. This volcano rises to a height of 1,666 meters (5,466 feet) above sea level. It began erupting for the first time in 190 years on March 20, 2010. The eruption opened a 500-meter (2,000-foot) fissure, and also produced lava fountains that built several hills of bubble-filled lava rocks (scoria) along the vent.