Thursday, March 18, 2010

The latest attack ads about the Health Care Bill costs MILLIONS. I asked myself, would they spend millions if they were going to make less profits?

...The ad buy, costing between $4 million and $10 million, will start Wednesday on national cable TV outlets. Later in the week, the campaign shifts to 17 states home to moderate and conservative Democrats. Their votes are critical to Obama's endgame for passing legislation to expand coverage and revamp the health insurance market....

The people responsible for the attacks against the President's initiative are. Write them and tell them what you think:

"Patients First, Not Profits"

Chamber of Commerce (click here)

National Association of Manufacturers (click here)

National Retail Federation (click here)

This is where it really gets interesting. The Construction lobbies, especially those that target the state legislators know where their bread is buttered. They don't care about whether or not their health care costs hurt their hiring of Americans, they only care about the fact that non-profit hospital systems use EXTRA monies garnered EVERY YEAR from the charges to patients for construction.

Instead of giving patrons of their health care systems refunds on their expenses every year, the hospital non-profit corporations will build, build and build some more in order to increase their assets (Or at least they believe they do.) so they can borrow more in the future and increase their debt to keep more of their monies.

It is a corrupt system and the patients are the losers ALL THE TIME.

Groups representing the construction and food service industries.

The business groups refused to release a list of the lawmakers they are targeting.