Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I have John Lennon playing in the background, let me turn it down for a minute.

The other day the current Secretary of Defense of the United States of America stated, "We don't know where Osama bin Laden is and we haven't known for years." That was after the British announced they had intelligence from a detainee that placed him on FREQUENT intervals at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Then Gates stated, "There is no way of telling if any of the information is valid," in rebuttal to the British report.


This is the man that continued the interrogation practices of the Don Rumsfeld era. Getting the picture?

The statement by Gates is INCONSISTENT with reality. It is a frank, out right lie. Why THEN would he say it, because if there are interrogation methods that are used with detainees that are suppose to reveal truths then WHY even doubt the British, Interpol when they have a reliable and compromised witness? And don't tell me for one minute that Gates does not know what the British Intelligence is saying, because that would be such a huge lie it is indictable.

George W. Bush in his 'hey day' in deceiving the American people stated, "I don't know where Osama bin Laden is and I don't really care." Same NONSENSE as Gates. Exact same nonsense. So then why? Figure it out yet? Because I'll give you a few minutes to think about it. Reach into your 'emotional' well being and tell me why the elusivity of Osama bin Laden is a problem for the average American. It's not a far reach.

When I heard MY PRESIDENT. The man I love as President more than any man I have loved as President before in my life say some of the SAME, EXACT PHRASES George Walker Bush used in his RHETORICAL speeches it sent chills down my spine in a very big way. But, you want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and figure well they are words that the American people are familiar with and it probably hits an accord. I let it wash.

But, when I heard Gates DENY the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden in nearly the same venacular as George W. Bush and I knew for a fact that the British knew differently, it was sounding EXACTLY like the Bush/Cheney Playbook all over again. That was enough for me.

Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living at the Afghan/Pakistan border. He is not in Somalia, nor Syria nor any other al Qaeda influenced location on the planet. He is where he has ALWAYS been for OVER A DECADE or more now. Since before September 11, 2001 and before the illegal war in Iraq.

Osama bin Laden is AT HOME where he likes to be, stirring the pot in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Kashmir. Living off of an Opium eoconomy and loving it because it serves TWO purposes. It serves his finance minister and degrades the people of the NATIONS he HATES. He is running training camps, buying weapons and attempting more attacks in the countries of NATO and North Africa.

Robert Gates openly lied to the Congress of the United States of America, he lied to the American people and HE has NO credibility. He did it because it would cause fear in the minds of most Americans and he wants this war. He also wants to give his old boss credibility in not destroying al Qaeda, too.

So, I want Robert Gates to pack his things and go back to Texas and back to being a 'rock star' professor somewhere or a six digit paid administrator, because he is NOTHING but a liar, manipulator and he is advising MY PRESIDENT.

I am finished with these wars, the troops need to come home and the US Congress needs to defund the wars and stop any further violence in the provinces of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

I am finished with war !

Bill Clinton used to respond in the ONLY way the USA should respond to threats to our national security. He'd get on the phone to whomever he needed to call and he'd drop bombs from some of the most sophisticated jets on the planet.