Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Republicans keep on lying. They are amazing. They only see dollar signs and NOTHING else. They should work so hard to get the Bush Bailout back

The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. Michelle Bachman. What an idiot. Her statement was, "I demand unanimous consent to revise and extend my comments because this bill...causes economic impacts on the economy."

I wouldn't expect the Economic Impacts to occur anywhere else but the economy, would you? Want to be more specific Michelle. You know facts. Figures. Alternatives.

The Republicans are incensed. And why? Because 'their base' says they have to be incensed. "Vote for me, I hated the Democrats for you!"

The Republicans are just complaining. They aren't saying a darn thing.

They CONTINUE to complain that the Health Care Reform Legislation will cost billions and billions and will burden out children. REPEATEDLY, President Obama has stated, this bill is paid for by existing programs that it will replace and it won't add one penny to the deficit.

What the Republicans are complaining about simply doesn't make sense. If a bill is paid for by cutting ineffective and expensive program then there is no deficit and it is NOT burdening any generation. When are Republicans going to make sense? They haven't made sense for 30 years, I would think they would change soon.

This is landmark legislation that will bring our people the health care insurance reform they need. The children of this nation need this bill desperately and they need to achieve wellness again. Something that has deteriorated with every Republican tax cut and every Republican spending program. Building "Six Flags Over Lincoln" was far more important than reforming health care under the Republcan administrations. Far more important.

The Republicans have bartered away the wellness of our children and our nation and today we are faced with people unable to obtain health insurance and dying because of it. Everyone can thank the Republicans for that.

Running an illegal war in Iraq was far more important for Republicans than stabilizing Afghanistan. Far more important. Far more important than reforming health care to the Ameican people. Far more important.

Squandering a budget surplus because "We are a Nation at War." was far more important and giving rebate after rebate after rebate to buy votes. Far more important.

Well, today for the people that vote for the Health Care Reform Legislation in the House will make the statement that the PEOPLE are far more important, their wellness is far more important and the social injustices of our nation will be corrected! And not adding a dime to the deficit or even depriving the Republicans of their next rebate should the surplus return.

It is about darn time!

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