Thursday, March 12, 2009

Madoff is like a doctor treating his own pain, doesn't know how to stop and becomes an addict.

This is not a court hearing for Madoff. This was 'about' the time he states he started his Ponzi Scheme. Where it gets really scary is to realize our government was actually taking testimony from a man that was practicing 'The Art of The Con.'

For years the SEC was told there was something "W"rong with the Madoff enterprise, but, due to the fact his 'authority' was entangled in politics he was regarded as believable over and above others that simply knew better.

This is a prime example of how government policy fails to protect our nation and its citizens from 'criminality.' Scary. Very scary to realize how much someone with credentials can disaffect the policies of an entire nation.

Political capital. Bernard Madoff was granted political capital and he wasn't even known by most Americans. Why was he above the law for so long?

In this Thursday, May 13, 1993 file photo, Richard Grasso, president, New York Stock Exchange, left, joined by former Security and Exchange Commission Chairman, David S. Ruder, center, and Bernard Madoff, chairman of Madoff Investment Securities, appear before the House subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance in Washington. Damage continued to ripple from the massive fraud allegedly engineered by storied Wall Street money manager Bernard Madoff Monday, Dec. 15, 2008, even as investigators worked to unravel the scheme's working and its reach. (AP Photo)