Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Senator Judd Gregg Outed in Scandal.

Cyrus Gregg (click title to entry for interactive - thank you)
This map of Cyrus Gregg relationships is interactive.Names with + signs can be expanded by double-clicking. Click on map tools at left for more options.(Requires Flash.)
The interactive gets a little strange after awhile.

Former Pease AFB

...Worse than that, Gregg (click here) was forced to quickly withdraw his name when the Obama Administration's vetting of him revealed that for nine years he had enriched himself and his brother with taxpayer-funded federal earmarks that he diverted into a real estate development deal.
As the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, Judd Gregg was able to direct $66 million in taxpayer money to develop an abandoned USAF base. Multiple companies owned by Sen. Gregg's brother, Cyrus Gregg, made real estate deals on the property. Then Sen. Gregg simply skimmed hundreds of thousands of dollars investments from his brother's real estate companies.
The AP ran the story and reported that one of the companies owned by Gregg's brother had sold a $1 million condominium to Gregg's former chief of staff, Bonnie Newman. When Gregg approached President Obama about serving as Secretary of Commerce, one of the conditions he included was that New Hampshire Gov. Lynch appoint Ms. Newman to fill Gregg's vacant senate seat until 2010.
Inquiries are being made as to whether the sale of the condominium constitutes a "pay to play" scheme in which Sen. Gregg tried to profit from the promise of the appointment to fill his senate seat....