Tuesday, December 23, 2008

There was nothing illegal. The question is, however, who makes these choices and should resigning Elected officials have suggestions at all?

Valerie Jarrett. Hm. No doubt qualified. No doubt an excellant suggestion, but, did Governor Blagojevich ask for assistance or was there insistence?

There is no doubt that Obama and his staff are innocent of charges or ethical issues. There is no doubt these type of recommendations are common place in most instances.

The question remains, how appropriate is it for any resigning elected official to suggest a replacement? There is a 'shadow' of doubt that there should be suggestions at all, regardless, of its commonality of practice. You know what I mean? Why RISK any impropriety in the future should an opportunity arise that causes 'the appearance' of same?


I think if an elected official resigns there should be no shadow cast to the successor of those powers.

I think Ms. Jarrett made the right choice, no different than anyone that is joining the President-Elect in the White House. I would rather be where the action is, than in the Legislative Branch. The overwhelming commitment to stabilize the country will be the focus of the Executive Branch to protect the sovereignty of the USA. These efforts will require a great deal of dedication and focus and no doubt if the President-Elect sees a need for 'the best of the best' to accompany him to the Oval Office, then an honor beyond any other that certainly has without a doubt. A gratitude by the country without reservation.

But, in departing the Senate seat for Illinois, does the President-Elect or any of his staff or transition team have the right or even the shadow of a right to suggest a replacement?

I think not.

And if Barak Obama is serious about change he needs to reflect on the appropriate or rather the inappropriate nature of such a ? priviledge ?

A great honor was passed to the President-Elect by a grateful country. But, no matter how grateful, it is still honor to be overwhelmingly demanded to serve when the country has such dire consequences in the balance. To that 'best result' of a general election for President should there be a trace of Obama in the Legislature by a grateful candidate that received his blessing?

There is a 'risk' of shadowing one's successor when ascending to a higher office. It is as if the President-Elect never left the Senate seat in its entirety. While I believe Obama is incapable of expecting 'special treatment' from any Senator or House Representative appointed in replacement of himself, his Vice-President Elect or any Cabinet or Staff member; it is for that reason I believe there should be a 'clean break' from any hint of suggestion to their replacement.

It could be said, that a President-Elect is trying to 'stack the deck' in his favor by looking over his shoulder at the replacements to himself and those that surround him that vacate their elected offices to serve at his pleasure. One might say, 'It is simply politics' and politics that is allowed and even politics that is coveted, but, isn't it politics 'of that nature' with a hint of impurity that the country has come to distain?

It is simply my observation that if there is to be a 'break' from politics as usual to one that borders on sainthood, then why not engage in that form of genteel purpose and allow the laws of the land to work as they were intended and not as they have come to be coveted.

I believe the USA needs a return to 'innocence.' And with that, I congratulate the transition team for a thorough searching of impropriety, yet, falling short of a sincere soul searching of its intention and purpose.

I don't believe any resignations are in order, nor, any retiring from politics, but, just a forthright observation of 'what the American people' long for and way to deliver it without compromising their best outcomes.

Just as a side note. One other thing. No one thought to ask the DNC whom they thought was the best 'electable' candidates from any district or state? Why not?