Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The focus of any flooding in relation to Human Induced Global Warming, should be on the biotic content lost as well as human peril.

The biotic content of Earth was at a pinnacle before the ravages of Human Induced Global Warming occurred. There is a 'negative feedback loop' that occurs with Human Induced Global Warming. One aspect to this is the loss of biotic content. In this case, where there is a river flooding destroying the ability of plants to absorb carbon dioxide.
The loss in regard to economics is easily noted when cattle are excluded from grazing, but, the increased accumulation of carbon dioxide due to decrease of available chlorophyll is still another element of Human Induced Global Warming 'negative feedback loop.'

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May 24, 2008
Lexington, Nebraska
Photographer states :: 8-11 inches fell in 36 hours. Photo taken between Lexington and Cozad, Nebraska on the south side of the river. The Platte river crested at 3.5' over flood stage.