Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Iran: Russia Blocks New IAEA Resolution Against Tehran

ACTUALLY, it was Russia and China that ruled against the Western Nation's measure against Iran.

West drops IAEA governors move on Iran after row (click here)
...Britain, France and Germany scrapped the resolution after concluding their goals had been achieved by the Security Council and there was no point risking a schism among U.N. nuclear policymakers Iran might exploit, Western diplomats added....

FACTBOX: Sanctions against Iran (click here)
-- The sanctions resolution called for more travel and financial curbs on Iranian individuals and companies and makes some restrictions mandatory.
-- It also expanded a previous partial ban on trade in items with both civilian and military uses to cover sales of all such technology to Iran.
-- The new resolution adds the names of 13 individuals and 12 companies to the list of people and firms suspected of aiding Iran's nuclear and missile programs.
-- Tehran has so far ignored all council and IAEA resolutions demanding it freeze its uranium enrichment program....

National Intelligence Estimate: Iran - Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities (click here)
Published November 2007
This National Intelligence Estimate report on Iran's nuclear capabilities states "We judge with moderate confidence that the earliest possible date Iran would be technically capable of producing enough HEU for a weapon is late 2009, but that this is very unlikely. We judge with moderate confidence Iran probably would be technically capable of producing enough HEU for a weapon sometime during the 2010-2015 time frame. (INR judges Iran is unlikely to achieve this capability before 2013 because of foreseeable technical and programmatic problems.) All agencies recognize the possibility that this capability may not be attained until after 2015."

The sooner the USA is OUT of Iraq the sooner nuclear issues will 'cool down' in the Middle East.