Sunday, December 09, 2007

The difference of course is that Nixon wasn't an environmental mental midget, then was the time when predictions were made of today's Climate Crisis.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (click here)
NEPA is the foundation of modern environmental law and has been described as "the most important and far reaching environmental and conservation measure ever enacted by Congress." This historic legislation is widely applicable yet focuses environmental issues within a comprehensive national policy. NEPA provides the continuing stimulus for review of environmental concerns associated with proposed actions. Inherent in the NEPA provisions is environmental accountability and public involvement. NEPA has been emulated by countries throughout the world as a model for environmental impact evaluation and decision making. Its visionary approach to environmental issues makes it as relevant today as when it was first enacted over 30 years ago.

The idiocy doesn't belong to the Court of Appeals, although I am sure it's fashionable to say it. Can anyone guess why the Bush/Cheney/Gonzalez Justice Department wanted to demolish the Ninth Circuit Court? Why they wanted to eliminate some USA Attorneys? Couldn't be related to cronies, could it? Now that is a good reason, maybe the best reason, to destroy the USA Constitution. Right?

Environmental idiocy comes out of Court of Appeals (click here)

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has done it again.
The most liberal court of the country has put reason on its head and issued a decision that favors the trees over the people.
This time, we believe, even the environmentalists have to ponder the sense of it.
The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a portion of President Bush's "Healthy Forests Initiative," which exempts environmental review of logging projects up to 1,000 acres and prescribed burns up to 4,500 acres. The court said it violated the National Environmental Policy Act.
In its opinion Wednesday, the three-judge appeals court panel said the Forest Service had failed to properly analyze the rule, causing "irreparable injury" by allowing more than 1.2 million acres of national forest land to be logged and burned each year without studying the ecological impacts.
The court ruled that the Forest Service no longer can exempt such projects from environmental analysis until the rule can be analyzed properly.
The ruling sided with the Sierra Club and Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign. The groups said the ruling would protect millions of acres of national forest from destructive and unnecessary logging projects.
We would like to know if there is a concern over the "irreparable injury" caused by devastating wildfires. This injury is not only to human lives and property, but to the forests that are decimated by overheated wildfires that can bake the ground to such a point that water runoff is an environmental disaster, and saplings cannot grow without human intervention.
Forest Service Chief Gail Kimball said that expedited logging on national forests saved thousands of homes during California's recent wildfires.
We see here in the Tahoe Basin that the Angora fire was considered an environmental disaster, and if an even larger fire occurred in the basin, it would greatly affect Lake Tahoe's clarity.
The National Environmental Policy Act already slows the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit from accomplishing various tasks quickly and cheaper.
This court ruling just entrenches an already huge bureaucracy deeper into political mire, leaving an unsuspecting public - and our nation's forests - in peril.
We urge an appeal.

No surprise there, huh? Mental midgets abound everywhere. The entire global community now assembled in Bali, is clamoring for the USA to stop it's' polluting ways and what do Bushies want? To clear cut National Treasures and Protected Forests.

Did I say they were Republicans? I thought I did.