Friday, May 19, 2006


As the path of many tropospheric storms, such as Typhoon Chanchu's path to Cat 4, take shape with 'appearingly' unpredictable outcomes there is a long standing phenomina occuring. That long standing phenomina is called 'oscillation.' The reason for oscillation is that as 'heat energy/calories' are added to a 'low pressure' system (a gaseous mass without solid structure) it is also dissipated to Earth structures such as terra firma or oceans/seas/icefields/waterways. It's physics, but, not as complicated as average people might think.

Example: Everyone understands when a tea kettle reaches critical mass the whistle blows because the highest liquid state of water is now changing to gas. Right? If one removes the kettle from the electric hot plate and pours some of the hot water out replacing it with cold then returning it to the hot plate changes it's dynamics and the process of heat transfer starts all over again.

While the Southern Pacific is not a hot plate it is a place where this particular vortex has come to rest. I haven't checked but frequently these vortices start over a land mass. A land mass 'holds onto' heat longer than water. Longer than ice. So, a 'heat center' could be as small as a tiny coral island.

Now. What is this 'idea' of removing the heat and replacing hot water with cold. The 'heat engine' is the sun. Sol, is the name we assigned to our 'solar system' sun. Sol rises and sets with the rotation of Earth. Hence, the 'heat calories' are increased during daytime hours and removed to allow cooling of gaseous aire masses during nighttime hours. Hence. Oscillation of the 'vorticity' OF the vortices. No different here.

The vortex currently in the South Pacific raises questions for me as to the 'outcome' of this 'heat accumulation.' What adds to this query is the fact that these 'storms' such as Chanchu are making more often than not 'landfall' rather than drilling the oceans/seas/icefields full of heat distribution from the troposphere.

Now, if I haven't lost you yet, I sincerely believe this is an abating of the destructive dynamics due to the observation made above with the South Pole satellite. However. I reserve judgement.
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