Thursday, October 06, 2005

UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite 12 hour loop - click here

October 6, 2005. 0330 z.

What a mess. The Arctic Vortices are huge. The entire equatorial dynamics are connected to the northern ice and it's demise.

The convection system characterized as "Tammy" (Named after the woman Bush had an affair with but no longer can be found anywhere so that people won't think of that name in the same way.) extends from southwest of Cuba in the 'hot zone' where all these storms are being spawned to Virginia and beyond in a 'rotating' system that actually has an 'eye' at Apalachicola. It's a funnel system that reaches to lower altitudes by high latitudes at the same time. The equatorial dynamics are unlike anything I've seen before. the movement of air south from Central America is a surprise. The North Atlantic Vortex is all the way to the northeast corner of the global view. There is something going on with the pole. Posted by Picasa