Wednesday, July 27, 2005

July 27, 2005. cooperation. half-hearted as it may be. Senator Spector is there to speed things along as he should be. Senator Leahy states they need all the records. Everyone is crying John Roberts won't be seated for October 1st and Sandra might be there instead. Well. If there is too much question in people's minds with some of the other news about Mr. Roberts being turned up then what do they expect. If they think Mr. Roberts is of pure virtue then he has nothing to hide. I find it interesting that the 'Trail of Truth' stops with a Bush administration. There is something to hide. I also realize Mr. Roberts is a NOMINEE. He might not be voted to an October 1 seat at all. The Repuglicans automatically believe he is a shoe in, well, not if others involved don't feel comfortable with all that he isn't. Posted by Picasa