Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Military Rumblings in Iran - Irregardless Iran is worrisome, but, not a threat to the USA.

With the Caspian Sea a stone's throw away do you actually think Cheney is going to stop now? No, but, is isn't the USA that faces danger. Cheney's words were these, "Israel "might well decide to act first" to destroy Iran’s alleged nuclear programme." Everyone reading those words need to clearly understand Dick Cheney isn't even sure there is a program to develop nuclear weapons in Iran. He clearly stated "...alleged nuclear programme." ALLEGED. Dick Cheney then assigns Israel to decide to act first. ACT FIRST ON WHAT? An alleged nuclear programme. Dick Cheney is a bigot and a racist of Muslims. He has no respect for life being willing to 'assign killing to Israel' regarding an alleged nuclear programme.

Cheney should be muzzled. He obviously hasn't learned from his mistakes in Iraq or the deaths of over 30,000 Iraqi children because of his recklessness. I am only grateful Israel has a depth of understanding regarding any danger with a great deal of caution acting against Iran.

With that in mind:

The surrounding neighborhood and Europe need to help Iran feel secure enough to set aside nuclear ambitions.

The USA will not fair as well in their attempt to 'take over' the oil rich area either.

Iran is of no danger to the USA. It does not have the capacity to harm us. There is no reason to be putting Iran on an agenda that North Korea should not be on EXCEPT for the oil glut of the Caspian.

http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/loc-mea.htm [...]
Pakistan and India and it's nuclear capacity.
Israel with it's nuclear capacity.
Needless, to say it is a very dangerous neighborhood for all these countries from each other and not one country of the USA. Now, the reason this is a dangerous neighborhood is not the fact there is capacity for mutual nuclear annihilation but because there are huge 'tensions' there that have been exacerbated by Bush.

Bush's muscle flexing, espionage and fist shaking do no one any good and my deepest concern is that the Iranians will become 'tired' of feeling threatened and act. For that reason I am hoping the nations of the Caspian are talking and forming alliances and understandings to their peaceful well being and economies.

Israel has an understanding of Iran that is patient. They seem completely aware of the capacity of Iran and sees no immediate conflict. The 'frenzy' Bush is buiding around is the fact that 'frenzy' and 'fear' are all politics that have worked for him post 9/11. It is not reality. It is not the truth.
If I may:

Taking Stock / The Israeli army's secret bomb

By Guy Rolnik
Last Update: 27/01/2005 01:15

"By the end of 2005, Iran will have reached the point of no return in its technology for manufacturing nuclear bombs. Three to four years later it will be able to build a nuclear bomb." Mossad chief Meir Dagan, in an appearance before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee (Haaretz, January 25, 2005).


Let's also not lose sight of existing allies and building economies and intentions for peaceful co-existance in the Middle East that does not stop with just these countries. The dynamics over all for this area of the world is very good as long as the USA stops playing bully.

Turkey's on a roll in Russian salad

By Zvi Barel
Last Update: 21/01/2005 01:14

Both Turkey and Russia are anxious to carve a niche for themselves in the Middle East. Enhancement of mutal ties is a crucial part of this strategy
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArtVty.jhtml?sw=Iran&itemNo=530084 [...]
WITH RELATIONS improving all the time and Israel finding autonomy with trade ventures with Egypt there is reason for alarm except for the insitgator Bush.

Khatami says US tops list of countries that are endangering world peace

Tehran: President Mohammad Khatami, responding to comments by a senior US official that Iran tops the list of world trouble spots, said yesterday that the United States was the country which most endangered global peace.


With that in mind Iran's estimation of the USA is 'spot-on' if you ask me and if it's coalition members can't deter any more trouble making then we are faced again with a president 'ideologically' out of control risking this country's well being because the greater world won't continue to put up with it.

We'll have war on USA soil and then we'll find out who the world thinks is the real terrorist.
People need to write to their congress and senate representatives to let them know this aggression is unnecessary, it not done to protect the USA but will endanger it and the economic disaster this country is experiencing will only be compounded by 'mad men' like Cheney and Bush.
That doesn't even speak to the human death from such an aggression and environmental effects with far ranging consequences. Bush has enough fronts domestically he needs to leave other sovereign nations alone.

Pasted from <http://forums.nytimes.com/top/opinion/readersopinions/forums/editorialsoped/todayseditorials/index.html?offset=28333>