Sunday, October 13, 2024

So, the whole world saw “The Apprentice “ now.

The story of Trump resulted in the person he is today. He is greedy and covets other people’s money. He admires power against government and welcomes corruption. He still practices the Cohen Rules of Greed. 

1. Attack, attack, attack.

2. Admit nothing and deny everything. The truth doesn’t matter, it is a construct, make your own truth and double down on it.


That is Trump in a nut case nut shell. He so much lives by corruption that he allowed his ideology to recruit racists to form militias, hamstring any authority to oppose the militias, and turned them loose on the USA Capital, while embracing authoritarian government, and stating he loved this country.


He’s a wacko.

Those that back him are as corrupt as he is, embrace authoritarian rule of the USA, hate all beliefs except their own ideology, see him as a puppet to their monetary power over government, and hate taxes while believing the working, middle class are lazy and don’t deserve the pay they receive.

He is not a good decent man that embraces democracy and free will and was mentored by communists that want to bring the USA to its knees. As far as Trump is concerned the USA is already on its knees and believes the communists won, so why fight it, unless “ he alone can make America Great Again.”

Trump has no valor and will never understand it, that is why he calls soldiers and great American warriors “losers and suckers.” He misinterprets the USA history of being muscle bound as weakness when it has always been the best side of valor knowing what the consequences would be. 

Trump is a gambler and a loser while using addictive drugs to attempt to feed his ego. He suffered from ED, needing hypersexual content in his life exampled by pageants of women and girls to compensate for it. He found enough excitement in porn stars, playboy idols, iconic successful women to carry out sexual acts often in the form of rape.  According to women reporting in on Trump’s sexual assaults he had victimized at least 24 of associates and/or friends. He even openly stated his power over women in an “Access Hollywood “ tape. 

Trump has no redeeming qualities or characteristics. He is willing to serve the purpose of those that allow him to be in power because he serves their purposes. He has absolutely no concept of good governance, the truth, or any allegiance to it. Oaths mean nothing to him and he will destroy this democracy because it suits his own purposes. 

Donald Trump is power hungry, ruthless and will design his own reality at any cost to maintain a grip on power.  He has no other desire but to rule over others. Why not be a savior, it works for his self-esteem and to reel people in to believe he can carry it off.