Monday, September 09, 2024

Institutionalized Voter Fraud

Ever wonder why a voter has to sign and date the OUTSIDE of the envelope on a mail-in ballot?

Recently a USA court ordered discarded ballots to be counted because of unintentional errors by the voter that mailed in the ballot.

There really is no reason for duplicity in signing a ballot or dating it either. Putting a signature on the outside envelope is actually a personal security issue, but, it is done anyway because it is ANOTHER opportunity to CREATE errors to discard mail-in ballots.

It is a bizarre demand to sign and date the outside of the envelope. Because the request is so rare voters don’t expect the voting requirements. In the past mail-in ballots were discarded which may have affected elections. It seems imprudent to me to redress the past by demanding recounts based on discarded ballots, but, going forward it is an important understanding about what mail-in ballots should look like to FACILITATE participation and true outcomes.

So, the idea in promoting effective visual, as well as handicap, cues to balloting seems important enough for a USA court to demand discarded ballots to be part of the election outcome. Each state might want to have competitions of citizens’ designs to come up with a ballot that attracts attention rather than disregarded. 

NO Artificial Intelligence DESIGN PERMITTED!!!!!!!!!

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