Sunday, August 04, 2024

Shia Crescent is a diaspora, not a military strategy.

(Click here for a fairly good assessment of Iranian ideology.)

Many religions and ethnicities have diasporas. The Russian diaspora is tapped by the motherland to carry out Putin’s KGB tasks to kill basically innocent and peaceful people that have left Russia. The best example of that are the poisonings in Europe. But, the USA intelligence agencies keeps track of folks like this and why they have to be registered as a foreign agent.

In like fashion Iran has militarized its diaspora into terrorist elements in the world, especially in the Shia Crescent. Iran sees its diaspora as an extension of its military and not simply people practicing “the faith.” 

There is absolutely no reason for Iran to militarize a diaspora because no one is openly hostile to Shi’ites, Iranian or Iraqi. The militarization of the Shi’ite diaspora was a completely paranoid idea by a few Ayatollahs in Iran that instilled a religious hegemony as a priority.

When an Ayatollah had Allah on his (not her) side after a successful overthrow of a Shah, well anything that comes into a holy man’s head must be inspired. Right? 


What the great Ayatollahs of Iran never valued over and above their own religious fervor was BEING CIVILIZED to become part of a global community. The same is true of North Korea and all the other wackos in the world. The autocrats are convinced they know more about CONTROLLING their outcomes than any other Bozo. Let’s face it when a man (not woman) is in control of a military it can get pretty heady and they don't trust anyone besides himself anyway. I am confident to an autocrat assassination can be a real threat.

So, Iran has gone to far. It has militarized its diaspora and created terrorists the majority of countries globally don’t call allies. What has occurred globally is an attempt to allow these terrorist groups the standing of a political party. It wasn’t a bad idea, but, far too hopeful considering a sovereign theocracy was actually in control and demanding hegemony. So, now, the terrorist networks of Iran are hoping to destroy Israel. Really? In all honesty does any country think it can destroy Israel? Why even go there?

The people of Iran are primarily correct in demonstrating to bring about change in the 21st century. Iran is wrong in its religious focus and the theocracy has to stand down to become more peaceful and economically stable. The autocrats have no confidence in their people to love their country without fear of their own imprisonment and death.

Iran has become dangerous and it is wrong as it could be about its own national security and its future. Truly religious men want peace and not jihad at the forefront of any national policy.

The fear of the other has to stop. The USA Evangelicals are wrong as well. Just imagine the world with two religions hell bent on hegemony. It can’t happen. If these autocrats and wannabe autocrats knew anything about national security they would know hegemony is not possible and would implode JUST FOR THE TRYING.

Iran is wrong to take an aggressive posture in thinking this will lead to the ideological goals its holy men set long ago to facilitate the removal of the Shah. Iran must be far more responsible toward its diaspora, provide a homeland, and change its religious fervor from jihad and hegemony to peaceful coexistence with other faiths and ethnicities. It is not too late for Iran to end terrorism and become part of a real global economy of prosperity and benevolence.

Look, even the Taliban are backpedaling on hate and fear.