Friday, August 02, 2024

Putin would have killed them.

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The Russian people need hope and these loyal Russians are that hope.

It is nonsense to think any of these men’s lives are expendable. It is out of the question any of them wanted to remain in Russia. These men are not criminals. They need to put the hearts and minds of their countrymen back together after the murder of Alexei Navalny. 

These Russians, that love their country, must continue to be a beacon of freedom to the Russian people. But, they must be that beacon of hope from the viewpoint of strength in the allies that rally around them.

They are welcome to enjoy freedom as they find it in The West and to continue their advocacy for free and open elections. 

No more returning to Russia to be persecuted and murdered. That is not a reasonable sacrifice for their desire to live in a free democracy. Freedom does not demand death, but, a celebration of life. Those values are alien to Vladimir Putin. Instead of a degree of respect for those that see Russia differently Putin chooses to extinguish voices through murder and fake criminal charges. Putin can no longer be saved, but, the Russian people can be their own liberators. 

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