Saturday, July 13, 2024

Was Trump involved with girls?

(Click here)

We know for a fact he was. The underage young women and girls of his pageants were at the very least used for his own personal voyeurism. He justified it as a marketing strategy which increased their sexual deportment on stage.

Trump is a creepy guy for many reasons. His affiliation with Epstein is just one of them. Who in their right mind fantasizes about being king? He is a wacko. 

He was diagnosed by experts as having malignant narcissism. The symptoms are:

- feeling superior or special (Allowing the belief he is the second coming of Jesus Christ, hello?)

- lack of empathy (“I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and my voters would still elect me.”)

- need for admiration (34 felony counts and he is still the nominee? It begs the question who is admiring him and why?)

- exploiting others (How many bankruptcies has Trump had? He is using the treasury of the RNC to fund his legal bills.)

- sensitive to rejection (“It is so unfair.”)

What about a DSM axis two diagnosis of anti-social personality disorder
- disregard for the rules 
- disregard for the rights of others
- deceitfulness
- aggressiveness

Trump is unfit for office. He scored the highest death toll in the world during the pandemic. The death toll started at the beginning of “the spread” and just kept rolling. I recall a young man on his death bed telling all that would listen to his video that the virus was real and COVID parties were his downfall. What President of this country allows masks to be villainized?