Monday, July 01, 2024

To prove how stupid the Robert’s Court actually is,…

…this is “The New Source Review.”

(Click here)

All anyone can do now is watch it rise.

This is decades of enforcement in order to stem pollution that effects citizens lives. This is the LEGISLATION that the EPA is supposed to respect and bring about the end of pollution that affects citizens lives. 

THIS WAS LEGISLATED by those elected by the people in the second branch of government. The Roberts Court is a politically, corrupt, plutocratic nightmare that practices “legislating from the bench.” The recent ruling by the six conservative morons dissolved this legislation and the decades practice of it in stere decisis/legal precedent. 

What does anyone think the EPA is going to do now? Sure, sure the new source review will continue, but, so what? The results of the New Source Review is supposed address the issue and rein in polluters. Now? With what? This is the LEGISLATION. There is nothing left for Congress to do, except, write another statute for the Robert’s court to destroy again? THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE LEGISLATION AS IT EXISTED! 

So, all those folks out there that want to
end pollution and PFAs; Good Luck!