Monday, July 01, 2024

If coups are now legal…

…we should throw out all the Republicans from office!

Campaigning by anyone is not an official act. Trumps speech on the Ellipse was a personal act of vengeance having lost the election.

A president of the United States of America cannot official order the end to anyone’s life. If that were possible Biden could now get rid of Trump as a candidate.

Presidential order #55555555555555 Assassinate Donald John Trump as he is a danger to the national security of the USA

There is no absolute immunity as president of this country. The Rule of Law still stands as does Due Process.

There will never be a gallows for innocent people.

Assassination of innocent people is something that works for Putin as he ordered the death of Alexei Navalny a political opponent. Such heinous treatment of people does not exist in democracies. 

The president of this country still needs to maintain good moral character and carry out the his/her responsibilities within the legal framework of the USA.

I don’t know what the Supreme Court is thinking but it seems obvious that they are not very smart people.