Sunday, July 28, 2024

This is illegal use of the U.S. House discipline power.

(Click here)

To begin with Vice President Harris is President of the U.S. Senate and not a member of the U.S. House. As a result an ethics investigation MUST be filed against the current US House Speaker What’s His Name…oh, yeah, Johnson.

Sorry, but, this is some kind of attempt at dictatorial powers that exists nowhere. The U.S. House Speaker cannot unilaterally pull a rabbit out of his hat.

All this is political bull hockey. Who was responsible for even drawing up the document?

Secondly, in order to rebuke a member of the U.S. House there is first an ethics complaint filed followed by an investigation. That takes time to complete. A rebuke is extreme when it comes to any discipline procedure.

Thirdly, any involvement by Vice President Harris in regard to border policy of the USA was taking place with the leaders of the countries from where the border crossers were coming from. She was not tasked to guard the border so much as assess why these people were putting their lives on the line to travel by foot to the USA southern border. 

This act by the Republicans of the US House is illegal use of the USA House to discipline its own members. It is a political stunt and all involved need an ethics review followed by a rebuke or worse as a discipline.

Speaker Johnson is a foolish man to bow to such nonsense. He achieved nothing except more embarrassment of a great legislative body.

Why is it illegal?

BECAUSE IT IS FRAUD right there in broad daylight!