Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The country of Brazil has every right to sue the corporations involved and carbon credit venturists.

What the carbon credit industry has claimed is mostly non-existent from the people I know. The monies have not really reached those that actually know the land and could put productive project in place. There are still people trying to deforest the Amazon with no respect for the lives that rainforest could be saving. I am glad someone finally did the hard work in tracking it all down.

The projects are supposed to support the people that value the forest and not the deforestation of it.

Public protected lands are not up for grabs. It is already supported by the country's citizens because it is highly valued for the reasons it should be valued.

July 24, 2024
By Terrence McCoy, JĂșlia Ledur and Marina Dias

...They’ve launched preservation projects across the region, (click here) generating carbon credits worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Those credits, in turn, have been purchased by some of the world’s largest corporations. The projects have helped transform the Brazilian Amazon into an epicenter of a largely unaccountable global industry with sales, according to market research, of nearly $11 billion.

But a six-month Washington Post investigation shows that many of the private ventures have repeatedly and, authorities say, illegally laid claim to publicly protected lands, generating enormous profits from territory they have no legal right to and then failing to share the revenue with those who protected or lived on the land. The use of such lands to sell credits also contributes little to reducing carbon emissions....

This is supposed to be the outcomes to carbon credits. Any improvements in the USA are primarily government funded.

The idea carbon credits is the best idea for industries unable or unwilling to change has no basis in fact.

Corporations are just as guilty as the venturists. These corporations have dozens of lawyers and no one bothered to validate the project before they paid their carbon credits? Really? Just completely trust a venturist who has a product in the Amazon that can't be reached by ordinary people or validated by nothing less than drones? And who is carrying out these projects in the waters where Piranhas live? I don't know how many times I asked myself that question, "where is all the carbon credit monies for these projects?"

Yeah, Piranhas might make great pets, huh?