Sunday, June 16, 2024

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is wrong.

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The Prime Minister is not the Defense Minister. While I am certain PM Netanyahu understands war, is he wrong about the pauses along aid routes. Additionally, relatives are trying to bring their Palestinian families out of Gaza because they are being used as human shields by Hamas. 

Currently, the pier built by the USA to bring aid into Gaza is being viewed in some instances as a safe place where fleeing by boat can be accomplished. The folks running that pier are going to need gates to control fleeing Palestinians, otherwise, there will be dead Palestinians because of accidents along the pier.

Leaving via the pier is not a bad idea, however, safe departures should be planned. Basically, those fleeing Gaza whom are Palestinians could be legally considered refugees in these evacuations. The boats willing to pick up Palestinian refugees should be known to the Free World. Iran should not bring boats to the shoreline of Israel because that will escalate things and the pier will probably perish along with aid and aid trucks. 

The IDF is correct in carrying out pauses in daytime warfare to allow aid to travel into Palestine which also allows Palestinians so inclined to leave. The less human shields in Gaza will result in good operations to ferret out Hamas and other terrorist groups. That has to be a good thing because such pauses and safe routes allow Palestinians to recognize the IDF soldiers as important to their well being rather than their death. The Prime Minister’s objection to the IDF decisions is short sighted.

Recently there was a massacre by ambush of eight IDF soldiers in Gaza. It would be far better if the Palestinians in Gaza saw those same soldiers as liberators to their best outcomes. Perhaps such a change in the relationship between the civilian Palestinians in Gaza and the IDF just might end this war.  
