Thursday, May 30, 2024

I didn’t think it would happen.

I thought with that MAGA person on the jury and all the theatrics by Trump and his lawyers there would be a hung jury. I really thought it would end differently. 

I congratulate Judge Merchan for conducting a perfect and SAFE trial from the very beginning. 

Oh my. There were so many people doing strange things outside that courtroom. There was even a suicide. But, that is Trump. His actions and words turn people loose to act out their aggression. 

I am so grateful for Judge Merchan and the prosecution team. They never blinked and they embraced the Rule of Law. This is a great country. A very great country unafraid of powerful people who want to change it forever. 

I sincerely hope Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen feel some degree of justice for how they were victims to all the wrong doing of Donald John Trump. 

The jury was true to the truth. I congratulate them.