Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dr. Richard Wilfred…

once employed with the UN Mission in Somalia as an orthopedic surgeon was traveling recently in Europe and became ill with malaria.

To left, Dr. Richard Wilfred in his early career.

It is reported to me he is in a private hospital in Silesia, Poland. The hospital name is stated as Family Center.

To right, Dr. Richard Wilfred in his years with NATO. (from his Facebook page) The picture was posted in 2021, but, his career with NATO was much earlier.

Dr. Wilfred has no family, is alone and it is stated treatment is not forthcoming because of needed payment. These are facts as I know them. It is stated he was born in San Francisco, California, but, his parents lived and worked in Germany. His parents were supposed to have perished in a car accident when he was eight years old. He lived for caring for those least served.

Below is Dr. Richard Wilfred in his late career. He is currently disabled and in a wheelchair due to severe injuries that occurred in a car accident in Somalia.

Someone reading this needs to search for him and help him. He is stated to be a devout Christian.

There are just some people in this world no one should turn their back on when they have never turned their back on others.

He is a special breed.