Friday, August 12, 2022

Zaporizhzya nuclear power plant must be closed under the direction of the IAEA.

The Russians MUST leave the power plant as they are destroying it and leaving it to be another problem like Chernobyl, but, more likely worse.

Look, Russian and Chinese missiles don't fly without Free World parts. They are operating our technologies with chronic corporate spying. It is time to realize Russia is a third world country that conducts itself like a third world country and they cannot be trusted with technology it has no clue how to research or manufacture.

7 August 2022

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano (click here) Grossi addressing the UN Security Council via video link on 11 August 2022.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station (click here) in southern Ukraine was shelled, causing one of the reactors to shut down and indicating the “real risk of a nuclear accident,” prompting the world’s nuclear watchdog to urge for an immediate end to hostilities in the area.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, the IAEA’s director general, expressed concern over the claims of damage and urged that an IAEA team of experts be given immediate access to the plant in order to inspect, evaluate, and secure the facility.

According to a statement released on Saturday by Grossi, “I’m particularly concerned by the shelling yesterday at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, which highlights the very real possibility of a nuclear disaster that might endanger human health and the environment in Ukraine and beyond.”

He continued, “Military action endangering the security and safety of the Zaporizhzya nuclear power station is utterly unacceptable and must be avoided at all costs...

Diplomacy is not working and quite frankly is a tool for Putin's appearance of civility. The Free World must not hang their hat on good wishes anymore. There are none be returned. Good will to Russia and Putin is a weakness and part of their culture. There will never be a treaty Putin will respect. 

August 10, 2022

The nuclear safety and security situation (click here) at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzya Nuclear Power Plant is getting more complicated since the shelling of the facility. The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, will brief the United Nations Security Council about the nuclear safety situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzya Nuclear Power Plant....