Saturday, July 30, 2022

To get weapons of war off the street

Provide a $3000 tax credit to directly come off the total taxes owed on individual tax returns starting retroactively to 2021 taxes. The weapons of war will have to be turned into a local police station for melt down and a numbered receipt will be issued to receive the tax credit. 

$3000 is more than a person has to pay for the weapon and there can be abuse in purchasing a weapon just to pay taxes due. Therefore serial numbers on the guns will have to be reported to ATF, not the persons ID, along with the date sold. That information will be available to police and/sheriffs to valid a receipt for the tax credit. If a weapon of war serial number is listed as purchased after a start date of January 1, 2021 the credit will only be a 25 percent credit of the manufacturer’s recommended list price.

There is no requirement to list gun dealer or price paid otherwise. Commercial entities that want to purge itself of such weapons may do so but the credit reverts to the price paid with a required purchase receipt. 

Ammunition can receive a separate receipt for $1.00 per round with disposal determined by local law enforcement authorities. 

By allowing such tax credits for commercial interests, gun dealers will have a method of recouping any potential losses with a potential assault weapons ban. The assault weapons ban does not have to be the same bill as the “Weapons of War Tax Credit Act.” There should be no sundown date for either of these bills.

Police departments know these types of measures work when they offer people the opportunity to relinquish guns voluntarily without requiring ID to do so. These types of voluntary gun surrendering works because after an American owns one they realize the danger and responsibility to them and their household in securing any gun regardless of semi-automatic status.