Saturday, March 19, 2022

I think this clearly defines the issues the world is facing currently with Vladimir Putin.

Putin raped the USA's intelligence under Trump and he believes "the time" to take on The West is now because it is their best window to succeed to victory. Putin is scared if he delays the war of wars time will rob him of this moment.

19 March 2022

Russia said it had on Friday (click here) used the Kinzhal (Dagger) high-precision hypersonic missile, which can elude most defence systems, to destroy an arms depot in Deliatyn, a village near the border with Romania.

Ukraine is a wasteland for several reasons, but, one is that Putin sees it as a strategic place to launch invasions into Europe. Under Yanukovych, Putin dismantled the national military and instilled smaller militias that answered to local oligarches. Ukraine, even though it maintained it's own identity and policies, was dominated in it's national defense by Russia. You could say it was a mask of sorts. Ukraine looked benevolent to The West, yet removed from being an ally.

The "Nazis" is the propaganda used to play out the attacks into Ukraine. The demonstrations that preceded the violence in the Maidan in Kyiv in 2014 that lead to Yanukovych exile were due to his unwillingness to sign economic agreements with the EU. No different than most countries there is a group of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. At least there were at the time of the Maidan. I believe there were 20 men killed in the Maidan and they were mostly Neo-Nazis if not all of them. I believe Yanukovych now in exile in Russia blames that group for his removal. So, while Russia has it's own Neo-Nazis the idea that Nazis removed Yanukovych is why Putin embraces that as his motivation to invade Ukraine. Putin is the saint, you see, Russia has born and raised and he will rid the world of the worst and most deceptive power in that of Ukraine and the President is therefore a Nazi.

Ukraine is far from that and has been the entire time since 2014. President Zelensky is the MOST aggressive president Ukraine has had to remove corruption and return the country to a sincere democracy that is neutral militarily to all other countries. 

The issue of the nuclear stuff with Russia is that it is more or less laced with the propaganda that Ukraine is going to develop nuclear weapons and control the world. Ukraine has a significant nuclear history within the Soviet Union but as a free country has never developed nuclear weapons. It has reconstituted it's military for the very reasons of the invasion by Russia that has occurred. It is a matter of fact and Russia knows this, that Ukraine has disarmed from nuclear weapons when it was successful in claiming a democracy. Ukraine did that so Russia would no longer fear it. That didn't work. Putin either continues to fear Ukraine and/or it is a convenient propaganda weapon.

I think that is it in a nutshell. I also believe the world needs to redefine exactly who Russia is and whether global peace is possible with such a bozo as Putin running things. If not, and I am certain the USA would say the same, there are reasons to continually sanction Russia and expect outbursts such as this until Russian leadership changes and a benevolent country results in the long view. For now. I think the world in general has a real problem to face with Putin.