Monday, January 24, 2022

The Prime Minister does not understand Putin. He has no conscience. Simple.

Putin has been at the top of Russian communist leadership far to long and he is absolutely bloodthirsty in his ambitions.

He promised Ukraine to the Russian communists if they allowed him to rule Russia for the rest of his natural life. He is going to deliver what his politics dictate for him to do.

Western Ukraine needs to be ready for refugees. It is going to be the most horrifying episode in those people's lives. NATO must hold the line on any of this violence spilling into it's alliance borders.

There is no doubt the Prime Minister is correct, after the bloody mess is achieved, it will be ungovernable. It was ungovernable before the Maidan.

Russia had every opportunity to be a trading partner with Ukraine along with The West, but, Putin doesn's want to be a trading partner, he wants the Soviet Union back. He is dead set on his ideology about the land and how it is OCCUPIED. In any occupied Russian land there is no economy. It will occur in Ukraine and the civil war will be set in motion.

No one has accused Vladimir Putin of being a bright man or an able one either. What he understands about economics he learned from a communist book somewhere. He believes in communism and refuses to recognize the fact it is a failed governance and certainly not an economic machine.