Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Overton Window - elections need to "beat the window of manipulations."

The Republicans relying on a scheme to win elections by justifying extremist views per the Overton Window, sets up the USA democracy for destruction.

Some weathered Republicans return to their office repeatedly because they practice such methods to win an election, but, never translate their extremist views into policy. To those Republicans the extremism is a vehicle and not the final result, hence, the practice of that method is benigh to the integrity of governance.

The problem for the Overton Window being applied during elections is that extremists such as Trump abide by their campaign promises and their own personal agendas and set about destroying the Rule of Law and opposing the USA Constitution.

In my opinion, the Overton Window is an attack vehicle on democracy, the rule of law and the USA Constitution. It is no longer a benign method in elections.

Voters need to be sure of their issues in elections and vote for candidates with anwers and not populism that feels good. Having a job that pays a living wage while supplying health care benefits, including paid vacation time, should be at the top of their agenda. Secondly, with higher incomes come the responsiblity of higher taxes. Those taxes help fund schools and well paid teachers. 

The average household income in Georgia's 14th District is under $100k and half of those households earn less than $50k per year. That is enforced poverty and lower middle class stagnation and it completely unacceptable. 

One question voters of Georgia's 14th District need to ask themselves before they vote is, "What has Majorie Taylor Greene" done to improve my life, the lives of my children and grandchildren?" The Build Back Better program might actually be a campaign promise when the voters understand it. When Americans earn more they can provide for better outcomes for themselves and their children.

It is districts like this in the USA that are heartbreaking to most other Americans not engaged in permanent impoverishment. The voters here have to abandon the popularity test for elections and employ demands for better quality of life.

Stand at a rally with a favorite WWF performer, be it male or female.