Sunday, November 07, 2021

Years later, she is among the crowds that protest outside the conference.

Ms. Greta Thunberg has appeared at many climate assemblies, these are just a few.

She was the final speaker of the rally that occurred outside COP 26. (click here) There were many reasons to criticize COP26, but, it has to be said it was occurring during a global pandemic. The southern hemisphere was underrepreasented and it is not clear as to why. The UK, including Glasgow, was experiencing the emergence of the "Delta variant." That has to at least be noted as a dynamic that cancelled this conference a year ago.

So, it is back in business.

Greta is correct in all her assertions. She has educated herself well to the issue at hand and she is absolutely correct, the world is dragging their feet in instituting the change that is needed. She is correct to demand action now. I believe she is worried about her future and the decision makers at COP26 won't be here when the climate causes incredible hardship.

There is a great deal of injustice in all she speaks about and perhaps it is the lack of profound reality that prevents the change required.

The petroleum industry is fighting hard to keep it's products in the favor of consumers globally. The recent Virginia elections are a strong reflection of that priority among the wealthy that want to remain that way. I do believe President Biden is pushing the changes needed in the USA, but, the resistence is a tough headwind.

Big money means no sacifice or admitting they are wrong. Big money means success, doesn't it? I mean that is the global standard for success. Make as much money as possible and don't look back. Even in the face of global deaths and climate disaster. Dear God, they aren't even WILLING to see the changes in the Stratosphere.

In perspective, Greta's demands are mild to the ultimate reality of what will occur when Earth's loses it's atmospheric balance. Earth's atmospheres are what makes it the only planet that supports life to the knowledge of humans today. Yet. When it comes to appreciating that fact, it doesn't even register as a concern. I have many friends that are scientists. I have friends that dedicate themselves to Christian beliefs. They all say the same thing, "When will it matter?" That is all Greta is asking, "When will my generations' quality of life matter?"