Wednesday, November 03, 2021

President Biden won in 2020 it was to get rid of Trump. The voters got rid of Trump. They don't know or understand anything other than the fact they need to vote and choose the candidate they believe loves their country and matches there lifestyle with improvements in the way of taxes ended. 

Trump's shadow across the USA is fading. He claims victory with Youngkin, but, he never was present in word or appearance during the campaign. Trump is gone.

Now, the Republicans are returning to old rhetoric and it worked for them. Machin is running his next campaign against Biden. There is no cooperation and why? Because he is screaming deficit. Yet, Youngkin wants to cut taxes. Does the American voter actually have time to think about their vote or are they running on pure emotion? Thinking belongs to Democrats, emotion belongs to Republicans and they are using ever trick in the book.

Lower taxes regardless of deficits due to the pandemic.

Better eduction regardless of the USA being first in the world.

Where is health care? Women's rights? Children and the child credit? All these really great issues are part of the Democratic platform and they were nowhere in the campaigns. If Republicans continue to win, the average American will lose everything from health care to child care to their child tax credit. The Democrats are not touting their own accomplishments. 

The service industry that Clinton built out of thin air no longer is the focus of most Lower Middle Class or Poor. The unemployment served to elevate their education and/or training. They are not service economy people anymore and that is what the Democrats wanted for them. The Democrats have accomplished incredible feats for the Poor and Middle Class. The country is wealthier and stronger. The Clinton service economy is diminished. Americans are where they should be again and it is the Democrats that accomplished that. Why aren't they running on it, TO PROTECT IT?

By the way, the wealth of the USA Economy is the reason the USA is still number one in greenhouse gas pollution, both, currently and historicially. The USA MUST carry the climate crisis forward to end it and reverse it. Manchin is talking old climate rhertic, the USA has decreased it's pollution of greenhouse gases. The greatest economy in the world is the reason there is a climate crisis. President Biden is leading to change that, make it happen at the ballot box. Machin's rhetoric is the problem not the solution. He is on defense over nearly everything and that is where he and Sinema (some kindof athlete) is staying because the Republican rhetoric that wins helps them. 

Trump is dead, get on with it.