Monday, July 12, 2021

It is time to change the lens in which we see Cuban leadership.

The USA media is not covering the changes in government-tilt as much as it used to. Whatever happened to the International Herald Tribune? Every day on Page 2 and 3 was a bird's eye view of other countries, other people, and their relationship to The West. I miss that. 

Cuba at one time had a representative constitutional government like the USA. Then came the revolution and Castro came into power and communism was instilled. Cuba has mostly affiliated itself with Russia, previously it was the USSR. 90 miles from the shore of the USA was a communist state closely allied with Russia or at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, the USSR.

My understanding is that Cuba has returned a new government order that includes a Prime Minister and President. This is at least a rolling back of communism in the way leadership is established. The people voted for the current president of Cuba, President Miguel Díaz-Canel. The demonstrations in the past few days may be a resurgence of a democracy that was plowed under a long time ago.

President Diaz-Canel was elected and even Raul Castro seemed to like the decision of the Cuban people. I think it is time the USA State Department reassesses Cuba and it's new path. It might be a burgeoning democracy again that will be once again plowed under because the USA didn't take interest.

Part of the problem is that when President Obama attempted to reengage Cuba with embassy staff, the staff was bombarded by Chinese radio waves that caused damage to the human body. That type of hostile action is an act of war. I am quite sure the Geneva Conventions provide for criminal definitions of such aggressive technology that assaults and degrades the health of the human body.

That said, the USA only in March 2021 defined better the understanding the USA Department of Defenses has of the electromagnetic spectrum (click here).

We know for a fact the presidency and administration of Trump disassembled decades of USA policy that worked effectively for the peaceful national defense we as Americans have enjoyed for decades if not centuries. That type of domestic stability is not a toy of democracy, it is the spine of this democracy. The USA was known globally as a peaceful power that propagated democracy as a sound principle for governance. That definition has to return to a global understanding once again.

I think it is time the USA takes a look at the rapid descent of democratic principles lost during the Trump years. Near border wars have never been part of the USA national security, yet here we are with Haiti bordering on communism and Cuba being unrecognized for the people's desire for a return of the old ways.

Neither of these countries need chaos as governance, neither does Venezuela. I trust President Joe Biden. I think he needs to take an honest look at the borders near the USA and make decisions to secure the Western Hemisphere once again.

Does anyone know who Cuba faired in the global pandemic? Or Haiti for that matter? 

10 April 2018
By Geoff Thale and Teresa Garcia Castro

Cuba's new president (click here) Miguel Diaz-Canel, left, and former president Raul Castro, salutes, after Diaz-Canel was elected as the island nation's new president, at the National Assembly in Havana, Cuba, Thursday, April 19, 2018. Castro left the presidency after 12 years in office when the National Assembly approved Diaz-Canel's nomination as the candidate for the top government position. 

On February 24, Cubans (click here) went to the polls to vote on the ratification of a new constitution, one that makes significant changes to the country’s political, social, and economic order. This was the first time in 43 years that the Cuban people had the opportunity to express either support or opposition to a proposal that fundamentally restructures aspects of the Cuban economy and political system.

According to the Cuban electoral commission, voter turnout reached 84 percent (slightly higher than in Cuba’s last election cycle in April 2018), with 87 percent of the votes in favor. The size of the vote suggests that, whatever misgivings or frustrations Cubans had with the new Constitutional proposal, they saw it as a step in the right direction.

The new Cuban Constitution retains language that proclaims the Communist Party’s guiding role in Cuban society and socialism as being irreversible. At the same time, the document includes several major changes to Cuba’s traditional economic and political model. Additionally, the drafting process that yielded the final text that was approved in the February 24 referendum involved a citizen consultation process that was relatively inclusive and even resulted in changes to the final document, an important indication that the Cuban government’s gradual process of reform is continuing....

The failed state that is now Venezuela started with the collapse of oil prices and hunger. The USA can do something about hunger.

July 12, 2021
By Oscar Lopez and Ernesto Londono

Hospitals and pharmacies (click here) have run out of medicines as basic as penicillin and aspirin. Blackouts have become maddeningly frequent and agonizingly long. Cubans lucky enough to have foreign currency wait in line for hours for staples like beans and rice.

A searing economic decline, leading to hardships Cubans have rarely seen since the collapse of the Soviet Union devastated their country in the 1990s, has stirred the island’s largest protest movement in decades, eliciting a chorus of support from American politicians and angry threats from Cuba’s government.

“We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom,” President Biden said in a statement on Monday, citing what he called “decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime.”

His comments followed an astonishing wave of demonstrations on Sunday, when thousands took to the streets around the nation, shouting phrases like “freedom” and “Homeland and life,” a twist on the governing Communist Party’s motto: “Homeland or death.”...