Saturday, February 27, 2021

Thank you to the US House...

 ...for keeping a promise. It is important to keep the $15.00 per hour minimum wage in sight. The real power of the minimum wage will ultimately come from unions. We need to roll back the draconian legislation called “The Right to Work” because is agenda is not to IMPROVE the ability of workers to acquire upward movement to achieve home ownership, but instead, to destroy unions.

There is too much momentum out of misinformation to achieve economic-religious impoverishment with the illusion of keeping with God’s holy order to make it into heaven. This is the case because wealth is very unattainable for too many Americans and religion is a solace. Economic wealth needs to be defined and made common place with only “the ambition” and not the genius as its marker in the timeline of life. Walking in the light of God does not require surrendering to poverty simply because upward economic movement is out of reach.

That economic marker to common wealth has always been home ownership. Today, I read a millennium survey where a strong opinion is that home ownership is and will be out of reach for the rest of their lives. This is so much a reality that “IKEA” now sells an assembly kit for the new movement of our younger generations into a “tiny house” culture defined as ecofriendly.

There is no house today that isn’t ecofriendly if it is on a grid using alternative sources of fuel. ie: hydroelectricity. Hydroelectric power has been ecofriendly for decades. So, the marketing surrounding the “tiny house” culture has validity in the use of building materials that require less electrical power to create the components and choices of materials protecting important carbon sinks. But, to believe the house itself and its demand for electrical use is ecofriendly is wrongful thinking. The grid needs to be addressed and it’s source of power. Achieving zero carbon is not about tiny houses.

Unions must be strengthened, need to demand achievements by companies their members work for leaning into zero carbon goals and the Right to Work legislation erased from history, today and the future. The Right to Work is a return to slavery as if we aren’t already there.

Why is $15 per hour important? Because it creates that Middle Class and not the two tiered Wealthy and Poor. I consider Lower Middle Class the Poor as well because their children’s educational opportunities are victimized.

Examples of the two-tiered economic system exists in states such as Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina where residents laughingly will say, “We know how to do poverty real well.” That means they can eek out the appearance of the Middle Class but living paycheck to paycheck and having heavy debt balances. THAT is not wealth!

In looking to states such as the Northeast the people have accumulated real wealth with comfortable savings and retirements that are truly The Golden Years or as Senator Sanders would say, “A time of rest and grandchildren.” Not, a time of rest and grandchildren after I finish my Greeter Job at Walmart.

According to the Millenniums that had to create their own economy because, “ Oops” the Congress left them out of the budget in planning for their future opportunities, they will not own a home and might be destined more to look like the Chinese rather than Americans. There is no real opportunity for our children and grandchildren if we surrender our economy to China or Russia, isn’t that right Moscow Mitch?

It makes me chuckle when people hate the political Progressives. The Progressives live for the future. They live change. They believe all Americans have the right to representation including generations to come. Therein lies the opportunities of children and young adults. An American future imagined with enough change to create opportunities, ecofriendly and allow for a comfortable life throughout life is where the USA was at one time and should be again but just tweaked enough to improve the quality of life for generations to come.

$15 per hour is not a luxury, it is a necessity and it is a necessity now and not a part of a dreamscape FOREVER as the climate has been for over half a century.