Monday, February 08, 2021

So, Trumpka doesn’t believe in the future.

Unions have to fall in line with the demands of the climate crisis. They need to be demanding good pay for green jobs, not enforce Republican paradigms of pollution and bigoted polluters.

The KXL should never have begun yet coveted for a few union jobs.

It looks like the unions need new leadership that believes in American ingenuity and the promise to generations they will have good lives and a beautiful country.

The KXL represents the greed guaranteed by big oil not a benevolent future.

The KXL was never going to even carry oil, it was nothing but Canadian tar sand sludge.

2005 was Peak Oil. Get used to hearing the truth. All this mess the petroleum industry drummed up was determined danger a long time ago.

Big Oil wants Americans to believe they will be energy paupers because they aren’t needed nor wanted anymore. LOL! Big Oil are already paupers. Big Oil is exactly the tale of “The Emperor Needs New Clothes.” Live in denial so the status quo is maintained.

Oil isn’t going to be Wall Street’s easy cash flow anymore. The geniuses of Wall Street might actually have to work for a living. Apple isn’t having any cash flow problems, what is wrong with the rest of them?

Wall Street firms, especially Hedge Funds have been handed trillions of dollars since the global economic collapse that began in 2007. Enough is never enough for them. The world needs a future and it ain’t fossil fuels. No more hand holding!