Friday, December 25, 2020

Pope Francis is calling for compassion to the world's populous as we produce vaccine and distribute it.

The World Health Organization needs to be sure there are sufficient deep cold freezers in order to facilitate the transportation and administration of the vaccine.

December 25, 2020
By Elisabetta Povoledo and Marc Santora

Rome - Pope Francis on Friday called on world leaders, (click here) businesses and international organizations to help ensure that the most vulnerable and needy have access to newly developed coronavirus vaccines.

Instead of speaking to the tens of thousands usually gathered on St. Peter’s Square, Francis made his annual Christmas address from a grandiose hall inside the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican.

In a year in which the pandemic plunged the world into economic and social uncertainty, the pope was only one of many Christian leaders and pastors around the globe who issued big, weighty messages to small, in-person audiences.

Francis used his traditional Christmas address to argue that widespread suffering should compel people to reflect on their common humanity, and apply those principles to how vaccine rollouts are handled....