Thursday, October 08, 2020

What is a political crime?

There is fraud, and misdirecting the USMail, but, what the heck is a political crime?

Oh, yeah, sedition and treason. There is espionage like the Russian hacking of the Clinton campaign and then publish it to undermine an election.

An act or omission prejudicial to the interests of the state or government. 

An attack on the political order. Hm. That must be like the attack Trump is currently engaged in premeditated election ballot disarray. Right, DeJoy? Those sorting machines repaired and reassembled yet?

There is no formal statute that defines "political crime." There is no formal statute that defines political crime in any state or territory of the USA either.

This is an academic video and definition.

Political crime (click here) is an offense committed with the intent to harm a federal, state, or local government under certain conditions. This lesson discusses political crimes, what differentiates them from other crimes, and some examples of political crime over the years....

This is what I call political crime. Trump's son in law volunteers his time in the Oval Office. Right. It was all self-serving. Kushner even admitted the diplomatic efforts by countries in the Middle East is not called a peace process. Palestine? Palestine who?

October 1, 2020
by Heather Vogell

Despite a history of underperforming properties, (click here) Kushner Companies received a near-record sum from a government-backed lender. Should it default, taxpayers could be forced to foot much of the bill. The agency says politics played no role....

Basically, Kushner extorted the federal government for every dime he could find.

The legal definition for "Shake Down" would be interesting in this case.

Kushner got LOAN GUARANTEES. Guess what happens next BECAUSE OF THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC?