Friday, October 02, 2020

The Sick American President

I don't want to hear a word about blame by anyone including Hope Hicks. They have been flagrantly ignoring and at times making disparaging statements about the people in the CDC, FDA, and NIH. This infection is the responsibility of the President and First Lady for ignoring important precautions.

What I find odd are the comments relating a change in the financial markets as if related to Trump's contagious illness. There is no historical reference to that potential. This may be the first and if it is, there has to be an understanding that only Trump will sew corruption into their favor as no one else did before. I find that reality outrageous and anti-American.

Besides The Fed is baby coddling them. It is October the beginning of the government’s new fiscal year. Honestly.

I am sure both he and the First Lady will survive the SARS-CoV-2 infection they opened themselves up to as they receive the best care the American people can provide.

They can no longer state this is just the flu.