Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Non-traditional endorsements are lining up with Joe Biden.

October 20, 2020
By USA Editorial Board

Four years ago, the Editorial Board (click here) — an ideologically and demographically diverse group of journalists that is separate from the news staff and operates by consensus — broke with tradition and took sides in the presidential race for the first time since USA TODAY was founded in 1982. We urged readers not to vote for Donald Trump, calling the Republican nominee unfit for office because he lacked the “temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs from its presidents.” We stopped short, however, of an outright endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. This year, the Editorial Board unanimously supports the election of Joe Biden, who offers a shaken nation a harbor of calm and competence.

Recent polls show that more than 90% of voters have decided between Biden and Trump, and nothing at this point will change their minds. This editorial is for those of you who are still uncertain about which candidate to vote for, or whether to vote at all. It’s also for those who settled on Trump but might be having last-minute doubts....

It is an election year like no other in the history of the USA. Our democracy is under threat and everyone who wanted to see it for themselves saw exactly that in full view of an astounding reality. Over and over, this country has watched Trump insult and lie about the USA government. He took the idea of small government and turned it into a national security issue. 

USA Today did the right thing to let their readers know this is a seriously important election. They stepped forward bravely to stand up for our democracy. Thank you.