Sunday, September 27, 2020

The states with high rates of infection and sustained infection rates are all Red States. Are they just not that bright?

 Latest Map and Case Count (click here)

With the exception of Puerto Rico, Minnesota, and Illinois, the Red States are exhibiting a real lack of plans to end the virus infection rate. This is astoundingly ridiculous. The Governors can't get it right? There aren't that many equations for success.

The death rates are increasing in states where the cases of the virus are not increasing. This very well may be the aftermath of the virus. These deaths occurring in states where the virus is mostly contained is most probably due to the long-lasting effects of the infection.

South Dakota has at least two large hot spots within their Native American Reservations. In particular, Pine Ridge (Lakota) and Sisseton Wahpeton (click here) tribes. They need help. There may be more problems in the Lower Brule (Lakota) as well. The rest of the increase in South Dakota appears to be in larger population areas. This is all about masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene. Close the bars and there will be an improvement.

There have to be non-profits working with areas of the country to supply food and medicine. They need to help the Native American tribes become a far more stable community in relation to the spread of the virus. They may need airlifts to bring seriously ill members of the tribe to hospitals with ventilators.

The Tribal Affairs Bureau (click here) is within HHS. It is important that the arm of HHS be in touch with all the tribal areas and have plans to assist. They need funding and they may not know there are monies, supplies, and help available.