Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Student returning to home from COVID-19 campuses should be tested and/or quarantined before joinin family life again.

This is typical of short sighted policy makers. What does a school do with a student newly infected with SARS-CoV-2? Sending them home will only serve to spread the virus. Schools that have returned to in-person classes never thought their policy through and now it shows. The in-person classes may very well become the new super spreader.

August 25, 2020

Boston - Analysis of the genomes (click here) of hundreds of COVID-19 virus samples connects the dots between a strain of the virus that was being transmitted in Europe and a so-called superspreading event in Massachusetts which led to cases throughout the Boston area, in other states and even in other countries.

The authors wrote that their results “highlight the failure of measures to prevent importation” of the virus early during the pandemic – such as with the international travelers who attended the Biogen leadership conference held in Boston in late February....