Sunday, September 06, 2020

So this is what the great GOP has brought the county, the great ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) has brought the United States of America.

Armed hate mongering with military weapons ready to be fired at the first shot from the other side. Peaceful protesters turning into mob scenes with armed gunman at the ready. Make no mistake this is exactly what the GOP's agenda with the NRA has brought the streets of the USA.

September 6, 2020
By Chuck Culpepper, Samantha Schmidt, Jessica Wolfron and Juliet Eliperin

Louisville - Hundreds of demonstrators faced off in downtown Louisville ahead of the Kentucky Derby on Saturday, with guns and camouflage replacing the traditional scene of colorful hats and bespoke suits. Meanwhile, protests on opposite sides of the country turned violent as police fired tear gas and activists threw incendiary devices....

Predatory murder and armed militias that have no purpose except to kill. This is not the USA at it's greatest, it is the USA's democracy in ruins with an inept president that wears hatred as his badge of honor.

...But tensions escalated as an armed group carrying long guns and those protesting over Taylor’s death came into contact in front of Louisville’s Metro Hall, according to the Louisville Metro Police Department.

While no shots were fired and the feuding groups eventually separated, the scene mirrored many of the hostile showdowns across the country as peaceful protests over racial inequality have descended into riots and, in some cases, street battles between Black Lives Matter demonstrators and supporters of President Trump in recent weeks.

With demonstrations expected throughout the Labor Day weekend in cities including Portland, Ore., Rochester and Louisville, police across the country prepared to deal with a nation on edge over racial inequality and police misconduct....

The police can't do anything with these armed militias UNTIL MURDER OCCURS. Open carry prohibits any enforcement authority from deescalating the armed resistence. Only after the guns have been fired can any National Guard come into the scene to end the violence with a military response to end the violence by Wackos for Trump.

The protesters have a reason to be in the streets, the armed opposition does not and they are only there to begin killing the very people demanding the right to live life without bigotry or racism.

The armed miilitias were so noble when very liberal gun laws were passed that proved more opportunity to kill human beings and less reason for self-defense. The ALEC laws have turned loose the country's worst nightmare and it isn't to end an aggressive attack by an out of control government or defend borders from foreign invaders, but, to kill each other out of hate and misguided loyalties.

This is ALEC at work and the motivation is for greater profits for the gun industry. This is ALEC allowing the margin of safety to be completely removed for a president that is aggitating and demanding his armed militias to save him from defeat in a re-election that would surely turn this country's democracy to dust. This is ALEC. This is the GOP. This is every Republican that voted to pass gun laws that has turned the USA into armed camps, one to kill for reasons of hatred and the other in defense of that violent power.

The militias and anyone on the streets with guns need to end their ideology of victory. They need to return their guns and munitions back to the gun cabinets where they belong because when a foreign power actually invades the USA, not through the lack of cyber security, but with military force, it won't be the militias that defeat them. 

This is nothing more than more lies propagated by the GOP that have grossly wrongful agendas. This is the lie that high powered weapons are necessary to protect a democracy. This is nothing but a lie that the USA can provide civil rights to all Americans becauase ALEC provided the basis of killing rather than a peaceful democracy for all.